Financial Giving Is A Part Of What It Means To Be A Person Of Faith
As Followers of The Way of Christ, we are encouraged to give at least 10% of our total income to God through the church (and ideally the church that you attend and benefit from). So for example, if someone earns $100 for their labor, they would give an offering of $10 to their church each time they earned income.
We say to give at least 10% because the tithe is the starting point for Christians, but no where near the finish line. Those who are beginners in the Faith start at 10%, but as their relationship with God matures, it's very common that eventually they'd give far more than that. In fact, those who are seasoned in their spirituality give their time, their talent, and their treasure in honor to God and in support of community.
Support this ministry through automatic and consistent financial support.
You can do so in any of the following ways:
1. Write a check OR go through your bank to set up automatic giving through your bank's "bill pay" so you can be sure your offering shows up on time even when you can't attend worship
2. Click here to give through our Vanco financial system
3. Click here to give through the Givelify App (you can also download this app on your cell)
4. Give through CashApp: $PleasantHopeBC
Note: Checks should be made payable to Pleasant Hope Baptist Church and mailed to 430 E. Belvedere Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21212